
Me-Made-May 2015

It's that time of year to be thinking about participating in the annual Me-Made-May hosted by the lovely Zoe at 'So, Zo.... What do you know?' blog.  I'm in!
Click the link above to go directly to her information and sign-up page.  She makes it clear what Me-Made-May 'is' and what it 'is not'.  

It is not a competition, but is to be used as a personal challenge unique to each individual participant.  

I still consider myself 'new' to garment sewing and it was only last year, for the first time, I was able to participate..... and what a fantastic, learning-curve of a month I experienced!  The online garment sewing community is a supportive, encouraging and just plain 'nice' group of ladies with Me-Made-May providing an opportunity to interact with others in a completely different way than blogging.  I realized how much I love wearing my handmade clothes.... and how I needed to make more!  I made new friendships around the world that I treasure today and boy did I learn about photography, my camera and taking self-photos!  Zoe makes it absolutely clear that photos are not what Me-Made-May is about..... but personally to me, it is important.  I've found that the camera does not lie and by taking photos of yourself wearing your handmade garment, you can see flaws you might have otherwise missed.  Also, knowing how to take self-timed photos has provided a lot of fun at family outings and gatherings!  Furthering my photography skills has also been helpful in the nature photos I like to take.     

So for this year  
'I, Lisa, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. 
I endeavor to wear something handmade each day for the duration of May 2015'
Thank you Zoe!


  1. yay glad you're in again this year! I'll be signing up too :)

    1. Yay!!! I'm so glad!!! That's how we 'met'!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a note.~Lisa